What Digital Transformation Means for People Strategy
The transition from an arbitration model to a model based on digital transformation requires organizations to reconsider their hiring and training practices in order to build a digital workforce that can help ensure a smooth transition. Our article examines the impact of digital transformation on people strategy. 1. Digital Transformation Must Be Embedded in Job Descriptions In the digital transformation process , there are three phases, each requiring a different type of talent. A pre-phase job requires risk-takers and entrepreneurs, while post-phase jobs demand people with project management skills. To manage a digitally transformed organization, it is necessary to identify the new skills needed. During the pre-phase, for example, all processes are driven by humans. Post-processing may be conducted partly by humans, while artificial intelligence (AI) performs the remaining 50 percent. Post-phase supervisors need the skills necessary to supervise a team of humans and bots. ...