
What Digital Transformation Means for People Strategy

The transition from an arbitration model to a model based on digital transformation requires organizations to reconsider their hiring and training practices in order to build a digital workforce that can help ensure a smooth transition.  Our article examines the impact of digital transformation on people strategy. 1. Digital Transformation Must Be Embedded in Job Descriptions In the digital transformation process , there are three phases, each requiring a different type of talent. A pre-phase job requires risk-takers and entrepreneurs, while post-phase jobs demand people with project management skills. To manage a digitally transformed organization, it is necessary to identify the new skills needed. During the pre-phase, for example, all processes are driven by humans. Post-processing may be conducted partly by humans, while artificial intelligence (AI) performs the remaining 50 percent. Post-phase supervisors need the skills necessary to supervise a team of humans and bots.  ...

The Importance of People in Digital Transformation

Business professionals can pretty easily justify implementing their digital transformations today. A better work/buy-from-home strategy allows for both better productivity and cost savings, not to mention the COVID-19 crisis and the forced arrangements that follow. Changing your wireless network security or ditching your printer isn't enough to make this shift. Getting the entire business on board with the change, helping everyone develop the new capabilities they'll require, and understanding how it will affect the company's culture and structure will be a challenge. As a result, the digital transformation process can only be successful if people are prioritized. Digital Adoption as a Catalyst Leaders understood that the shift toward digitalization would be inevitable before the pandemic, so they made plans for it. They weren't universal, however. The budgets and paces of each business were based on industry and company demands, and, in many cases, a progressive appro...

What You Need To Know About Resistance To Change

 It is uncommon for people to accept change quickly. It is a natural instinct to resist change. Businesses are adversely affected by this. A Successful Business requires constant change. Organizations that lack innovation and business agility will not survive. People will experience a great deal of change due to this, however.  What exactly is resistance to change? Change can be challenging and scary. It is easier to maintain an established habit than to adopt a new one. The possibility of failure increases when you try something new. For most people, staying in familiar territory is safer than taking risks. Changing jobs can be challenging for anyone, even those who enjoy change. Personal change is fundamentally different from organizational change imposed above. It is because most employees have no choice but they resist change in the workplace. As a result, they feel insecure and out of control. Suppose a new software system is implemented organization-wide. Employees may ...

What is the need for Digital Transformation?

It was already being told to you every day that you would need to " adapt or die "; that you had to "transform or die," that your company had to "evolve or go extinct." before this pandemic turned the world upside down. Though all those warnings seemed significant, what did they really mean? Why so much hurry when everything was going well and your customers were satisfied? For today's even more urgent need to transform, it's important to examine these reasons in more detail. 1. Change is Inevitable There is a simple reason, and it relates to the fact that change is inevitable. Are you going to be better at understanding your clients' needs if you are still conducting focus groups, or will you use data from transactions and social media as well as IoT sensors?  Is the company that uses spreadsheets for supply chain management more efficient and profitable than that one that uses real-time logistics performance metrics and AI to the source...